Tuesday, January 1, 2008

In Campaign Ship Building

Normal Ship building in Campaign:

Take one years Naval Budget every Jan 1st, Pay all Maintenance Fees.

All Ships in Ordinary (i.e. mothballed) on Jan.1st, pay 1% Annual
Maintenance Fee. All Ships, not in Ordinary (i.e. mothballed), Jan.1st, must pay 10% Annual Maintenance Fee.

Design a Ship Class
Pay Architect fees.
Build 1st one of Class, pay full price, + cost modifiers, if any, to build it faster (TCS p.33). Build more of same Class & build it 40% faster than normal time required. Also pay 80% of full price, + cost modifiers, if any, to build it faster.

When each Jan. 1st rolls around, for every Ship not in Ordinary (i.e. mothballed), pay Maintenance of 10% of what each Ship cost to build. (TCS p.35)

Example: The Fictitious, a 1,000T Ship, costs MCr2,000 to build the 1st of its' Class, and its' size is listed (TCS p.33) as taking 120 weeks (unmodified weekly cost = MCr2,000/120 = MCr16.6667), costing MCr2,000.
10% Annual maintenance fee = MCr200.

But you're in a hurry. If you use double the required Shipyard capacity for, say, 47 weeks, you get the bonus of +40% work done during those weeks (47 x 140% = 65.8 weeks work done in 47), this means 54.2 weeks more work to go.
If you wish to use double the required Shipyard capacity (2 x 1,000T) for the entire time, 86 weeks x 140% = 120.4 weeks work of 120 weeks required.
[Keep track of all fractions in the calculations.] Ship is completed at a cost of the unmodified weekly cost (MCr16.6667) times the 86 weeks it took., or MCr1,433.3362.
10% Annual maintenance fee = MCr143.33362

If the Fictitious is to be rammed though as fast as possible, at the lowest cost, using double the required Shipyard capacity for the entire time, and paying the +10% (of the unmodified weekly cost above) extra cost for each +10% work done per week. Since the double Capacity already gives a work bonus of +40%, and 100% bonus work is the maximum, 60% of the unmodified weekly cost is the most that can be added each week. 60 weeks x (100% + 40% + 60%) = 120 weeks of work done. Ship is completed is 60 weeks at a cost of [(60 weeks x MCr16.6667) + ( 0.60% x 60 weeks x MCr16.6667 )] = [(MCr1000.002 ) + (MCr600.0012) = MCr1,600.0032.
10% Annual maintenance fee = MCr160.00032

If the Fictitious is to be rammed though as fast as possible, without using double the required Shipyard capacity at all, paying the +10% (of the unmodified weekly cost above) extra cost for each +10% work done per week.
Since 100% bonus work is the maximum, 100% of the unmodified weekly cost is the most that can be added each week. 60 weeks x (100% + 100%) = 120 weeks of work done. Ship is completed is 60 weeks at a cost of [MCr2,000
x (100% + 100%).
10% Annual maintenance fee = MCr400

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