Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Initial Fleet

Ships built as Initial Fleet
Take 80% of 10 years of your Naval Budget, Peace Time
Design a Ship Class at current Tech level
Pay Architect fees.
Build 1st one of Class & pay full price.
(Annual Maintenance fee = full price x10%)
Build more of same Class & 80% of full price
(Annual Maintenance fee = price paid x10%)

Note: Any MCr not spent above can be applied below.

Take 20% of 10 years Naval Budget, Peace Time
Design a Ship Class at one Tech Level below current Tech Level
Pay Architect fees.
Build 1st one of Class & pay full price.
(Annual Maintenance fee = full price x10%)
Build more of same Class & 80% of full price
(Annual Maintenance fee = price paid x10%)

If you wish to Refit Ships built in 'B' above, using the Refit rules (TCS p.34), you may use any MCr left over from 'B'

You are NOT required to spend all MCr given you above.
Any MCr not spent are LOST.

All above Ships, not in Ordinary (i.e. mothballed), Jan.1st, must pay their 10% Annual Maintenance Fee.
All above Ships in Ordinary (i.e. mothballed), Jan.1st, must pay their 1% Annual Maintenance Fee.

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